6 summer parenting tips

Pets do not sweat in the same way humans do and can easily become overheated. To avoid these problems and enjoy the summer season with your pet, here’re the tips to keep in mind. 

1. Have Plenty of Fresh Water Available at every corner in the house which should be replaced twice a day.
Dogs can suffer fatal heatstroke within minutes. Unlike humans, dogs can’t sweat through their skin and so they rely on panting and releasing heat through their paw pads and nose to regulate their body temperature and keep cool. 

2. Avoid the Midday Heat
On hot days, walk your dog during the cooler parts of the day, in the early morning and late evening.Dogs paw pads can burn on hot pavements. As a general rule, if it’s too hot for your hand it’s too hot for their paws.Remember it is not ok to walk your dog every day during very hot weather – it’s far better to be safe than take unnecessary risks.

3.  Be careful with shot nosed
Dogs like pug, boxer, bulldog, french bulldog, try to take them for short walks in the summers b’cos The skull deformity makes these breeds have a short nose and flattened face, the condition; in-turn, gives way to an underdeveloped airway anatomical design.

4.  Never Leave Your Dog in a Parked Car
Never leave your dog in a parked car even with the windows cracked,even in the late hours of the day temperatures inside a car can rise quickly to dangerous levels.

5.  Stay out of the doghouse
Most of the dog houses does not have ventilation hence it is not advisable in summers to keep your dogs in them.

6.  Play in the water
Last but very enjoyable with your pet is playing with him with water, as in india dog water parks are not very common except metros but Our very very loyal freinds deserve all the pampering as a thank you for the unconditional devotion that they shower on us.

If you’ve ever seen your dog playing with garden sprinkler,then you already know that how exciting these devices can be and in summers you can play with him either in your garden or on  your terrace.

7.  Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs 
    a)Excessive panting/generation of excess saliva
    b)Collapsing or obvious tiredness
    c)Increased heartrate

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